In our last blog post in this series, we outlined a model for developing strategy in two different processes: developing an ideal state and grappling with a key decision. Both invariably require an evaluation of options and an assessment of the balance of consequences as between the various options. Often, there are “downsides” or risks
Strategy in the workplace Part 2: a framework for strategic thinking
By Chris Gardner & Georgia Hill Smith on
In our first blog of this series, we highlighted that strategic thinking is a skill and one that can be improved and developed.
So, what is strategy? What does it mean?
The word “strategy” comes from the ancient Greek word strategos meaning “general or leader of the army”, being a union of the words stratos…
The six investment principles to apply to win in litigation
By Michael Tamvakologos on
Posted in Director Dashboard
At first blush, time-honoured investment principles and the principles to be applied in getting good legal outcomes seem worlds apart. But after practicing law for eighteen years, and observing the financial markets, I have seen many parallels that run between the two.
The principles I touch on have been established by the greats, such as…
Preparing Australian employers for increases in employment class action lawsuits
By Michael Tamvakologos on
Posted in Director Dashboard, HR/IR Strategy
Employment class action lawsuits are a common cause of action in North America, and while we have traditionally seen fewer in Australia, there has been a recent uptick in occurrences. What does this mean for Australian employers? Without large numbers of cases and their precedents to study, how you plan for and prevent class