Lots has been said recently in the press about enterprise agreement making and the approval process by the Fair Work Commission (FWC). In short, the numbers of agreements being made is down and approval times are “long”. The graph below, recently cited in an AFR article, demonstrates a possible link between approval times slowing and

We’ve been doing work in a range of sectors facing challenging enterprise bargaining negotiations. Legacy arrangements made in the past are no longer fit for the future.

What are the some of the key success factors for employers who achieve gain from a difficult enterprise bargaining negotiation?


As with any significant project, leadership is critical.

The new workplace anti-bullying laws came into effect on 1 January 2014 and we recently posted our 7 top tips to successfully manage bullying complaints.

Amidst the many reports about how employers need to be prepared for the new laws, the message could equally apply to union behaviour in workplaces – and not just their own.
Continue Reading New anti-bullying laws: How will unions respond?