In September 2015, the Building Code 2013 was amended to incorporate mandatory drug and alcohol testing for Commonwealth funded construction projects. From 16 October 2015, head contractors must have a comprehensive fitness for work policy in place to manage alcohol and other drugs which includes mandatory testing.
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drug and alcohol testing
Walking the talk: the thin red line of drug and alcohol testing
By Henry Skene on
Posted in HR/IR Strategy, Workplace policy and process
Everybody agrees that drug and alcohol use in the workplace is a serious safety issue.
And when it comes to safety, unions understandably press employers to manage any issues and hold them accountable in doing so. But, when it comes to managing drug and alcohol at work, many unions have struggled to walk the talk.
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The enterprise bargaining zone & the ‘twilight zone’
By Chris Gardner on
Posted in HR/IR Strategy, Workplace policy and process
Understanding the true boundaries of the enterprise agreement zone (“EA zone”) and the “workplace zone” is crucial to the development of any workplace relations or enterprise bargaining strategy.
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