Penalty rates are a critical issue for Australian businesses – they already make up a significant proportion of many organisations’ total labour costs. Penalty rates will take on even higher importance in the future, as Australians continue the move towards working ‘flexibly’ – which often means performing work outside the traditional ‘business hours’ of 9am to 5pm, and regularly working at night, on weekends and during public holidays.
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modern award
Enterprise award modernisation process kicks off in earnest
Right through to the end of 2013, many unions and a number of employers applied to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for a modern enterprise award. Where such an application is successful, a modern enterprise award would cover employees rather than one of the 122 industry or occupational modern awards that the FWC made between 2008 and 2010.
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Another round of modern award reviews coming in 2014
The ink has barely dried on the last round of variations to modern awards resulting from the 2 yearly review commenced by the FWC in 2012, but the 4 yearly modern award review is just around the corner. The review is proposed to be conducted in 4 stages with around 30 awards in each stage. It is estimated that each stage will take around 4 to 6 months (with some stages overlapping) and the process is expected to conclude in mid-2015.
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