Once again collective bargaining in Australia is a hot topic. Both the Prime Minister and Senator Abetz have bemoaned the making of ‘soft deals’ by employers.
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Another round of modern award reviews coming in 2014
By Ben Dudley, Justine Turnbull & Rachel Bernasconi on
Posted in HR/IR Strategy
The ink has barely dried on the last round of variations to modern awards resulting from the 2 yearly review commenced by the FWC in 2012, but the 4 yearly modern award review is just around the corner. The review is proposed to be conducted in 4 stages with around 30 awards in each stage. It is estimated that each stage will take around 4 to 6 months (with some stages overlapping) and the process is expected to conclude in mid-2015.
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Superannuation award changes afoot
By Rachel Bernasconi on
Posted in HR/IR Strategy
The FWC is preparing to make changes to the superannuation provisions in modern awards to comply with recent amendments to the FW Act consequent upon the introduction of MySuper.
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